
Raeli Smith

“And isn’t a woman’s long hair her pride and joy? For it has been given to her as a covering.” (1 Corinthians 11: 15) This verse pretty much says that a woman should cherish her hair, no matter what the length because it has been given to her like a gift. Today, hair is a primary topic among teenage girls, so I think that we should find a good way to take care of our hair. Recently, I went to go get my hair trimmed. The stylist told me that I had very healthy hair, especially for the length. She asked me if I braided it often, for braiding your hair actually holds in the vitamins that make your hair soft and silky. I was surprised by this fact, so from then on I was eager to learn more hair styles involving different types of braids.

Luckily, braids are in right…

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